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Highland Wildlife Park

Atracción | Kingussie | Scotland | Reino Unido

El Highland Wildlife Park en Kingussie, Escocia, es una de las atracciones más destacadas de las Tierras Altas y un excelente ejemplo de un parque de vida silvestre que presenta tanto especies nativas como internacionales en un impresionante entorno natural. Ubicado en el Parque Nacional Cairngorms, el parque se extiende sobre una superficie de aproximadamente 105 hectáreas y ofrece una combinación única de safari y diversidad zoológica. Es operado por la Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, que también administra el zoológico de Edimburgo, y se dedica a la conservación de especies amenazadas y a la educación sobre la naturaleza.

El parque abrió sus puertas en 1972 y a lo largo de los años ha evolucionado de centrarse en la vida silvestre escocesa a convertirse en un refugio para animales de tundra y regiones montañosas de todo el mundo. Esta transición se inició en 2007 para fortalecer la colaboración con el zoológico de Edimburgo y aumentar el número de visitantes, que anteriormente estaba estancado. El Highland Wildlife Park está dividido en dos áreas principales: una zona para recorrer en coche propio y otra para caminar. En la zona para recorrer en coche, los visitantes pueden observar de cerca animales como ciervos rojos, bisontes, alces, caballos de Przewalski y ciervos de Bucharach mientras conducen por los extensos terrenos del parque. La posibilidad de recorrer esta zona varias veces aumenta las oportunidades de avistar a menudo a los tímidos animales.

En la zona para caminar del parque, los visitantes encontrarán una variedad de recintos y atracciones integradas cuidadosamente en el paisaje natural. Entre los puntos destacados se encuentran los gatos monteses escoceses, cuyas marcas distintivas y naturaleza retraída los diferencian de los gatos domésticos, así como los lobos europeos que viven en una zona especial llamada "Wolf Wood". El parque también alberga especies más exóticas como el tigre de Amur, leopardos de las nieves, zorros árticos y macacos japoneses de nieve, que se pueden ver en una zona propia con un lago y una isla. Un punto de atracción especial son los Polar Lands, los únicos en su tipo en Escocia, que viven en un amplio recinto y a menudo atraen la atención de los visitantes.

Una novedad es el "Scotland's Wildlife Discovery Centre", un centro interactivo para visitantes que cuenta la historia de la vida salvaje escocesa y ofrece información sobre el trabajo de conservación del parque. Esta instalación incluye áreas de exhibición, un mirador y salas educativas que enriquecen la experiencia de los visitantes y fomentan la comprensión de los desafíos de la conservación de especies. El parque desempeña un papel importante en programas de cría internacional y alberga especies raras como el panda rojo, el takín de Mishmi y el goral chino, que están fuertemente amenazados en sus hábitats naturales.

El paisaje del Highland Wildlife Park es tan impresionante como sus habitantes animales. Ubicado en las suaves colinas de las Tierras Altas, el parque ofrece vistas impresionantes de los Cairngorms que se elevan en el fondo. Bosques de pinos antiguos, praderas abiertas y pequeños arroyos crean un telón de fondo que sumerge tanto a los animales como a los visitantes en un entorno salvaje e inalterado. Senderos conducen a través de la zona para caminar y permiten descubrir en paz la diversidad de la vida silvestre.

Para los visitantes, el parque ofrece numerosas experiencias más allá de la mera observación. Demostraciones de alimentación diarias y charlas de guardabosques proporcionan conocimientos sobre el comportamiento y las amenazas que enfrentan los animales, mientras que elementos interactivos como la zona "Construir y Probar" animan a los niños a ser creativos. Un café ofrece refrescos con vistas a los recintos, y una tienda vende recuerdos que recuerdan las experiencias en el parque. El parque también es conocido por sus esfuerzos en sostenibilidad, reflejados en iniciativas como la reducción de residuos plásticos y la promoción de productos locales.

La importancia del Highland Wildlife Park radica en su doble papel como atracción turística y centro de conservación. No solo conserva especies amenazadas, sino que también sensibiliza al público sobre la importancia de la conservación de especies en un momento en que la biodiversidad está amenazada a nivel mundial. La conexión con el paisaje y la cultura escoceses, por ejemplo a través de la presentación de especies autóctonas como el gato montés, lo convierte en un lugar único que cuenta historias ecológicas locales y globales. Ya sea admirando los majestuosos Polar Lands, buscando los tímidos gatos monteses o disfrutando de la tranquilidad de las Tierras Altas, el Highland Wildlife Park ofrece una experiencia inolvidable que une la naturaleza, la ciencia y la aventura de manera impresionante.

Datos de contacto



PH21 1NL Kingussie

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Domingo10:00 - 16:00
Lunes10:00 - 16:00
Martes10:00 - 16:00
Miércoles10:00 - 16:00
Jueves10:00 - 16:00
Viernes10:00 - 16:00
Sábado10:00 - 16:00


3339 Reseñas

Ferne Glannan-MacRae

My second time visiting the park and better than I remembered. My favourite part about this park is the enclosures are big and well thought out, as well as all the conservation programs going on with each species. The polar bears in particular in both enclosures were jumping in the water and playing together or with things. I loved the wildcats, theres just one now as all the others are in breeding to release programs in sites you cant visit but we could see it having a snooze and stayed for a talk about what they’re doing. I know a-lot already and still found this super informative. We also had food at the food van on site and it was amazing! Huge portions of cheesy chips and i had a really good veggie burger whilst my partner had a venison. We finished with a drive round the park which was good to see native birds like lapwings and oyster catchers as well as the parks animals.
vicki harrison

Well worth the visit traveld 2.5hrs and was only there for 2hrs but definitely worth the drive cheap to enter and even better they offer discounts if your on universal credit and free for the carer would recommend to anyone to pop in to visit the animals great good as well would say best burger we have had in a long time
Andrada Alexandra

Maybe we were unlucky and chose a period where the park ongoing work renovation had an impact on the visit.The place is huge and the animal enclosures seems fitting for the animals they hold, maybe to big to actually see some of them.We weren't able to see neither the tiger, linx, wildcat,wolfs and monkeys.The safary drive through on the other hand was a nice touch and it was what saved it from having a sour taste. Hopefully the renovation will come to an end and we can visit the Park again.
Julien Letestu

Si je devais être honnête je mettrais 4,5 étoiles. C’est un très beau parc et les animaux y sont très bien traités. Cependant, le sens de visite du parc laisse à désirer et il est bon de dire qu’il n’est pas accessible pour tout le monde.
wendy Simpson

Visited 27/02/25 with our granddaughter and was very disappointed. I understand that there is on going work but the amount of work taking part it was like a building site and nearly everything was closed . Walked the whole area to see 2 polar bears and a snow leopard and field full of red deer that to be honest you can see anywhere around scotland for free. got 2 burgers and a child’s burger and a potion of chips to the cost of £33.00 again very poor quality and have to sit outdoors as all indoor areas closed. Overall a waste of money
Heather Macfarlane

We went on a university club trip and it was amazing. I hadn't been before and I absolutely love it. The drive-thru part is great too. The staff were informative as well and spent so much time with us and answering our questions (this would have to be booked in advance and such but just in general the keepers, vets, and other staff are all very committed to the animals here). They truly have some wonderful animals and projects going on!
G Bear

The park is a wonderful place for the animals they look after. The only issue is that to get there without a car can be difficult for anyone with mobility issues. The bus drops you at the bottom of an upwards winding road that is hard to traverse depending on your mobility issues or aids. Once you get to the shop and cafe part of the park you can get a mobility scooter (they have limited supplies) and those are such a blessing for traversing the park. So yeah wonderful place just without a car and if you're not feeling great, too fit or have accessibility issues getting from the bus drop to the centre welcome part of the park is quote arduous. Would still recommend.
Maximilian Ring

Lovely Zoo with an amazing drive though part where all sorts of animals can come right up to the car and you can get photos like your a professional wild life photographer! The walk though part is also amazing and the whole park is a must visit when nearby!

I love this place and I try to focus on a different animal each visit. The site is huge and even the views of the mountains are stunning. The conservation work is so inspiring and the staff are very knowledgable in their areas of expertise and always ready to answer questions.
Vesela Zarkina

We spent 5 hours walking around the park and driving through the enclosures and it was totally worth it! I recommend takinga whole day to experince this, it is really special and the animals seem to be well taken-care of.

Amazing Zoo and Staff. Highly recommend 👌 the animals are stunning . Especially loved seeing Wolf Woods
Becki Sharp

Highly recommended. Great experience at the Highland wildlife park, we took the bus from Aviemore which was really easy (and beautiful scenery) and not too expensive but the timetable was quite limited. We ended up with a little under 3 hours including the walk from the bus stop to the animals (10-15 minutes depending on if your kids dawdle!) but that was enough time to see everything we wanted to and have a quick picnic lunch. We didn't do the drive through bit (for obvious reasons!) but didn't feel like we missed out, there was lots to see walking around and the keeper talk was really interesting. Very clean all around and friendly keepers to share info with you hanging around.
Kelly Dixon

We spent a lovely day here today. We were welcomed by some lovely staff members in the catering truck who gave us tips on how to make the most out of our day (as well as making us some lovely food)! We were impressed with the enclosures for most of the animals, the space the animals had seemed great for a wildlife park. At the end of the day we went to the wolf, reindeer and red squirrel talk - the man who delivered the talk was incredibly passionate and it made it so interesting, myself, my partner and our 6 year old have talked about the information the whole car journey back to where we’re staying. He’s a credit to the profession. Thanks for a lovely day!
Louise Lane

In aviemore for a week on holiday visited the wildlife park was a lovely experience and a big thankyou to stuart for the talks about the animals was a pleasure to listen to some interesting facts also enjkyed some nice and drink the guy was so pleasent who owned it couldnt fault the place at all me and my partner and little girl had a lovely day
Demi Winchester

We completed the snow leopard experience for my partners birthday and it was amazing! The information was so informative, the keepers were so welcoming and friendly and the experience itself was brilliant! The wildlife park is such an amazing place. The enclosures are all good size for the animals and their care is the number one priority here which is clearly seen. The animals here are used to the climate and mimics their own natural environment and it was so lovely to see them in the snow. The keeper talks were great and informative too.
Robert Hampton

Brilliant day out! Visited at the start of January and was great to see the animals enjoying the snowy conditions. There’s lots to see and you get the sense the animals are very well looked after. A keeper called Stuart really made the trip for my girlfriend and I, was super friendly in telling us about all the animals and waited on us making our way round the park so we could see the polar bears being fed. Will definitely be back and would thoroughly recommend!
HollyRay 92

The focus has gone from the animals wellbeing and wellfair to how much money they can make. Very disappointing. Also had to pay full price for seeing less then half the animals. No hot water or food either. Just another zoo now, unfortunately.
Shane Peake

We came in winter and it was wonderful time cold but good, plenty of wildlife on offer tigers, polar bear are great to see an the wolfs are super to watch. Burgers and hotdogs are the best very tasty and good price, toilet really clean, coffee and tea available too. Wil definitely be back again in the summer time
Alex Yedomakha

Mixed feeling about this place and definitely not what’s advertised on their website. Enclosures are way too small. Foxes are pacing around a tiny 6*6 pen, a deer is frantically walking the barrier fencing next to a pack of wolves. Monkeys are roaming a tinny area. What annoyed me most was that each zookeeper was going on about how this is not for entertainment and to “drive awareness” yet pushing you to buy a “feeding experience”. When I asked them if this was an actual reserve and if any of the species get reintroduced into the wild (most in there are non endangered) I was met with a cold and blank “no”
Muz K

Great experience at the zoo. I think it's worth visiting considering they pack it with residents of the scottish highlands which we may not get to see unless we really hike deep in the north although I dont know if polar bears are native to Scotland. Still the drive thru reserve is an excellent option as it allows you to see the open enclosures of the herbivores and get up close to the polar bears as well - all in the comforts of your car. It's like the Jurassic Park - somewhat. It was snowing the whole day when we went there so understandably the residents were hibernating or resting. Some did come out to play like the wolverine. I just felt sad that the snow leopards enclosure/play pen was really small although they were not that big (maybe still adolescent cubs?). I dont think a visit to scotland is enough without the visit to this wildlife park. The animals were clearly treated kindly and the staff was friendly too. They gave away free coffee (self catering) because their machine wasnt working. All good. The only downsides were:- 1. I wish signage for first-time driving visitors could have been better. It wasnt clear to us where was the parking as we drove up and the ticket office was just opened (we arrived at 10am) but even then we couldn't see where to go. 2. Ticket office staff wasnt very friendly and was condescending as if we couldnt read the signs. He was just pissed that Ive driven past the ticket office (I drove into the way out instead of the way in but there wasn't a bloody sign). He literally asked "How did you drive through? We didnt see you?!" I said the signs werent great and he reminded that there are signs across the park to remind us of dangers especially in the drive thru reserve. I've driven across harsh conditions and in third-world countries so to tell me to "look at the signs" as it was "dangerous" was really rude assuming Im blind and not able to read signs although he could have meant well. The park should have just said at the entrance "PARKING FOR VISITORS BEYOND THE TICKET OFFICE". Honestly I could have driven into the reserve without paying for me and my wife because the ticket office staff were busy chatting and having coffee that they missed our car but we still made the effort and bought the ticket.
Joshua Wagar

Amazing day out! Perfect place to enjoy both the views and lovely selection of animals. Took a drive up and had a wonderful time!
George Cliffe

Really good park with so many animals, with a trail to walk around as well as a route to drive. Saw snow leopards, arctic foxes, wolves as well as polar bears. Also has a small cafe and a shop.


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